

Saturday, January 26, 2008

The Nana Pillow

Taylor loves this pink pillow that Nana made her for Christmas. She played on it this evening with her puppy (that she also LOVES) and every 5 minutes or so, she just laid her head down on it and smiled. It was so cute. After a little while, she decided she just wanted to lounge on the pillow and watch me take pictures of her. She know exactly what I am doing, too, that little ham.

Mommy needs to get me some pants!

Ok, so I didn't KNOW these pants were high waters before we got to the party. Taylor just wore these 2 weeks ago and they were fine. Hopefully, this will be the one and only shot of Taylor is high waters- EVER!!
(Still, a cute picture of Little Miss Sassy and worth sharing!)

BFF Isabelle's 1st Birthday Party

Today we went to Taylor'sbuddy, Isabelle's 1st birthday. She was born a week before Taylor and they have been buddies ever since. They just started to hug each other at Miss Ellen's (when Taylor isn't tackling her or pushing her over!)

Isabelle and Taylor had a great time today. They both got a good amount of cake and they were both pooped after the party.

Crazy Bath Time Hair

Taylor had some crazy hair when she got out of the bathtub the other day, so we just decided to see how crazy it could get... then we tried the mohawk. :) Taylor thought it was funny at first, then she got tired of it and wanted to go play... party pooper! :)

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

Taylor loved staring at the tree. Since she started taking off walking on Chritsmas Day, she has pretty much been unstoppable. Before, it was a few steps here and there, but now, she is everywhere! Since the 25th, she has broken a few ornaments and unwrapped some of the ribbon off of the tree. Mobility... /sigh

Christmas Day cont...

We spent the rest of Christmas Day with my family in Taylor. We had NO turkey :), opened presents, and played games.

Christmas Day

Christmas morning, Taylor got ot open her presents in her jammies. It was so cute! Still, she was way more interested in eating the paper than anything.

Christmas Eve

We spent Christmas Eve with Blake's family at our house. It was nice... we had fajitas- there was a turkey and dressing ban in the Josselet house. Taylor got to play with her Bebe and Rondad and her cousins. Her favorite part was eating the wrapping paper and eventually playing and dancing to her new little people airplane (it's pink!)

More Christmas with extended family...

Tayor had an eventful week. We got to see Nana and Papa and Grammy's side of the family. It was Taylor's first time to meet cousin Megan. Nana made Taylor a huge pink pillow and Taylor squeeled and fell face first into it as soon as she saw it. It was priceless! She loves that pillow!The next day, we went to Memaw's for Christmas at her house, which was a fiasco, but ended up fine. Taylor got a Learn and Groove table from Memaw, Uncle Dwight, and Gram & PawPaw. She loves it and plays and dances to it all the time. We all know the songs by heart now...

Granny Christmas 2007

We all went to Weatherford for Granny Christmas a couple of weekends before Christmas. Taylor got to meet some cousins she didn't know about, a bunch of aunts and uncles, more cousins, and Granny and Grandpa Bob, too. She was so happy and pretty much let anyone hold her, which was such a shocker to me (but a good thing!). She had a great time tackleing her cousin Ryan, pushing her walker around, and playing with cousins.

Trail of Lights 2007

We took Taylor to the Trail of Lights the Thursday before Christmas. It was freezing, there were WAY too many people there, and we had to walk at least a mile from our parking spot to the lights (uphill, both ways, in the snow!). Taylor didn't really mind, since she fell asleep about 1/4 of the way through the trail. It was kind of a bummer, but we had a GREAT dinner at Maudie's before hand! :) Got to love that Mexican food!!