

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday, Evan!!

I can't believe my little monkey is 1 already!!  In some ways, it has been a quick year, and in others, it has been sooo slow. It has been a good year, though, and we have been so blessed to have sweet little Evan in our lives. He had a Monkey party at the park on Saturday (the day after his actual birthday) and had pizza and cake with friends and family. He loved the swings, although he almost fell asleep swinging, he LOVED his cake (see pictures as evidence) and he had some fun opening his presents. I think his favorite part was the cake. :) Everyone that was able to come made his 1st birthday memorable and special. Thanks to everyone who came to celebrate.
Some one year facts about Evan:
1) He is not quite walking yet, but he is standing on his own, and very seriously thinking about walking.
2) Evan has 4 teeth. You can see 2 more teeth just waiting to come in.
3) He likes new foods like pancakes and biscuits.
4) He loves ice cream.
5) Now we know Evan loves birthday cake!!
6) Evan says "mamamama" and "dadadada" and "nya nya" and "bwa bwa". Not really sure if there is any meaning behind his words yet, but you never know.
7) He has big blue eyes and dark blond hair that seems to grow pretty fast.
8) Evan drinks lots and lots of whole milk!!!
9) Evan loves his big sister. <3
10) Evan is a big Momma's boy!!

Happy Birthday, my sweet boy!!

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