

Thursday, June 7, 2007

4 Month Update

After she turned over... this is her shocked expression!

Taylor had her 4 month checkup this morning. She is in perfect health! She weighs 13 lbs. 13 oz. and is 25 inches long! She is able to start eating rice and oatmeal cereal next month! Wow!! I guess July will start the messy mouth era! The dr. also said she could start going into the swimming pool and she can play in the shallow water at the beach! How exciting!

Poor baby had 4 shots today (you can see her little band-aids in the picture)! She has been a little grumpy and sleepy, but I expected that. Otherwise, she has had no reaction (let's hope it stays that way!!) And for some awesome news... Taylor rolled over today! She was on her tummy on her play mat and she just turned right over like a pancake! I was shocked, so I had to cheer for her. We clapped and cheered together. She was very talkative after that and she left her *very* short first voicemail on Bebe and Rondad's answering machine! :) What a BIG girl!
Playing with the camera string:)

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