

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Giggle, Gurgle, Smile

Taylor has been talking nonstop over the last week. She loves to coo, gurgle, and squeal. It is the cutest thing and she sounds like she is the happiest baby in the world. She loves to talk to me, to her bunny mobile in her crib (I hear her talking to them over the baby monitor in the mornings), to her favorite bunny Rae, and to the jungle animals on her swing. The baby just LOVES to talk!

She has also been "belly laughing" a lot! She has the sweetest laugh and smile. She loves it when Blake "scares" her... she likes to get "BOO!!"ed and she loves to play peek-a-boo. We have had comments from perfect strangers about how Taylor is the happiest baby!

These are a few pictures of Taylor talking to various things and people. :) (Check out Blake being a dork in the picture with Nana! How very Blake!) She got to see Nana and Papa at a family reunion on Saturday. She just talked and talked to them! It was adorable!

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